Friday, April 06, 2007

Good friday

It's good Friday and I'm getting ready for work. Cold day today and it
snowed last night. Brrrrr.

So last night Pamela and I bought some beachfront property in Second
Life. We are definetly hooked.

No complaints, we're both enjoying it and having a good time. As
entertainment goes it's actually really cheap. We could spend more on
seeing one movie than we spend in SL in a month if we stop buying
land... At least that's what I'll be telling myself. :)

Pamela is off today and is going to see a friend this afternoon. With
more cold weather forecasted for the weekend I can only assume we will
be spending a large poprtion of the weekend building on our newly
purchased beach property. No bike riding :(

Okay well I better go now so I can catch the train.

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