Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's Wednesday, really it is...

It's Wednesday. No really I checked. It really is Wednesday. I thought
it would never get here.

Now, if we can just make it thru Friday...

This has to be the longest week ever, proving Einstein's theory that,
time is relative. Would be nice if global warming would kick in soon.
We're still freezing.

Went to dinner last night after work, at this Italian place in
Malverne/Lynbrrok. Nice neighborhood place but, expensive. All the
locals were there chatting across their tables to one another. Slow but,
happy service, nice and relaxing.

The Vote for Sanjaya continues! I voted last night for a full 20
minutes. I didn't actually watch American Idol, only tuned in for the
last 5 minutes to get his number to vote. Join us in making Sanjaya the
next American Idol...

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