Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's really raining hard

It's really raining hard and the wind is blowing it sideways so there is
no escape. Awful weather and of course I had to get the trash cans this
morning so I got a pre-soaking before leaving for my official station
soaking at the train.

Pammy is all mad at her hair today, bad bangs today apparently and I'm
just wet and tired. Still feel a little stuffed from iHop last night.

Hopefully, the weather is not an omen of things to come and if it is
let's just say it's like the rain from taxi driver, washing all the
filth off the streets. ;) This is NYC afterall. Although who can tell
anymore. The "filth" has already been washed away along with the
culture, arts and soul of the city... okay that might be going a bit too
far but, if you are a new yorker you know what I'm talking about. The
legacy of Guilanni lives on and it has nothing to do with 911. He was
amazing during the attacks and the aftermath however, he was a facist
dictator leading up to it...

This post has taken a strange twist and rather than list examples of
Ruby's iron fist political record of which I am not a fan...

His handling of 911 was truly inspiring and I don't think anyone else
could of done what he did. We were lucky to have him in charge at the
time and I give him credit for all he did... but, I don't want him for
my president.

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