Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's Easter

It's Easter.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday.
We went out early for a walk to Lynbrook. Walked thru the Malverne park
and saw the kids having an easter egg hunt with popcorn and cotton
candy. We also took pictures of apartments for Wendy. We ended up at the
puppy store and also stopped by the hardware store and a hallmark

Walked abouit 5 miles.

When we got we made some lunch and turned on the TV. Do you know what
was on?

Bike Racing!
Channel 4 NBC was showing live the US Open cycling race in Williamsburg
VA. Commentary by tour de france commentators, and an interview with
Flyod Landis.... and it was snowing.

Debut event! Holy cow. I've been telling people bike racing is going to
be the next big this and well here ya go. The even has officials from VA
talking about opening a 50 mile bike path. And how much they love bikes

Okay, it wasn't a pro tour race, just a domestic team race but, it's
still way cool.

Cycling on NBC Saturday afternoon.
National TV!
Who but me would of ever thunk it?

Okay so, I watched the race, fell victim to our comfy couch and took a
forced nap and then spent the rest of the night in Second Life.

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