Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday night at Penn

Friday night at Penn.
Pamela went to the vintage show and took an earlier train. I ended up
staying late at work and am only getting to Penn now. No matter. It's
Friday and the weather looks perfect for riding this weekend. However, I
think my "ride buddies" are going to bail.

I invited two friends to go riding this weekend but, I haven't heard
back from one and the other will let me know tomorrow morning. Whatever,
if they show up cool if they don't I'll just ride solo. Either is cool
with me as long as I get to ride.

This week sure went by faster than last week. Much better week too, not
as much stress. Last week was like stressful something everyday. All
which came to nothing so, there you go.

Anyway, my phone is going to die and my train should get posted on the
board soon. Have a good night and I great weekend. I'll try to take
pictures from my ride tomorrow and post them.

Later gators.

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