Friday, March 16, 2007

Today's weather is gross!

It was 70 degrees 2 days ago. I'm working from home today. I had hoped that at 5pm I could log off and jump on my bike for the first ride of the season but, that's not going to happen. It's freezing cold outside. Snow, freezing rain and sleet! Awfulllllllllll!

So, I rode my bike on the trainer this morning and I'm working from the basement where I don't see the outside world. I logged onto Second Life before I logged onto work and had myself a cup of coffee in Central Park... Birds were singing the sun was out... Very nice. Too bad it wasn't real. Hell, I'll take what I can get today.. okay time for lunch. I'm starving and I don't want to go out into that mess. Going up to the kitchen to see what I have to work with. Most likely it will be soup. Later. Hope the weekend at least clears up if it doesn't warm up.

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