Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Snowy Wednesday

Snowy Wednesday at the train station.
It is really cold out!
But, it's warm and toasty in the Jeep.
We are lucky! And it's hump day.

Tomorrow is tax day when we go to see Steve S. Seeing Steve takes all
day. I think last year we were in his office (waiting and then meeting
with him) for a total of 5 hours... which is normal.

Anyway, this year we got the earliest appointment available and we are
hoping for the best.

Why do we put up with this? Steve has always gotten up great returns.
Which is why it takes so long to see him. People come from all over to
see Steve, you need to book your time a year in advance.

I'm pretty sure I'll be emailing some posts tomorrow just to pass the

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