Friday, March 09, 2007

Grossman's Farm

Grossman's Farm.
The last working farm here in Nassau county Long Island. It's just
across the street from our house, I can see it from my bedroom window.
They grow fruits, veggies and flowers. No animals. It's a landmark and a
point of pride for Malverne. However, it's for sale. The town says it
will make sure it doesn't get sold to a chain store like burger king or
CVS. The land will not become a parking lot. I sure hope this is true.
I'm sad to hear it is for sdale. We only just got here. It's been a
landmark here on LI forever... oh well, life is change and I'll just
have to hope for the best.


Unknown said...

Grossman's Farm is a brautifu piece of proerty and should be preserved. Isn't that what land preservation is all abouta?

Anonymous said...

the county is preserving it

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT NEWS!!! Nassau County has purchased the farm to maintain it as open space and will lease it to a farm operator and open it again. There will be a celebration officially announcing the acquisition this Thursday (9/17/09) at 10:30am at the farm. We wonder why our taxes are so high in Nassau. It is wonderful that we finally have something to show for them. This is a wonderful historical part of our county that has now been forever saved! BRAVO!!!